Client Case Studies

Homeland Security MIDDLE EAST
The Challenges: The Solution:
  • Major challenge in the process of developing unrefined data into polished intelligence for the use of policy makers emphasizing in intelligence disciplines such as Open Source (OSINT), Signal (SIGINT) and others
  • This results in inability to gain insights to Person of Interests, Suspicious events / activities etc. from across disparate sources of info esp. unstructured ones.
  • Existing tools and techniques do not aid in finding today's complex and adaptable threats within mission guidelines. This coupled with poor data visibility, and inadequate capability to effectively access, discover and share information sources.
  • Data proliferation are overwhelming users as there is a lacking of techniques and tools to efficiently process, store, analyze and retrieve vast amounts of data.
  • Develop an architecture that enables rapid integration of existing and future data exploitation tools to achieve a new paradigm in the management and analysis of data.
  • Develop techniques to extract entities from unstructured text, speech and video and discover relations and patterns associated with terrorist activities.
    • Evidence Extraction - people, places, things, events, etc.
    • Link Discovery - relations between different types of entities
    • Pattern Learning - attack plans, terrorist group relationships, etc.
  • Robust classifications to accurately detect, register, classify and identify data and events.
  • Automation tools to visualize relationships, patterns of activities
  • Homeland-specific tools to capture, search, mine and exploit information from unstructured text and non-text sources.
Financial Wealth Management China
The Challenges: The Solution:
  • How to unlock the potential in its data through analytics and shape its business strategy through reliable factual insight instead of intuition is the main challenge.
  • Unlocking this insight allows client to better understand customers, competitors and employees represents a significant opportunity to gain competitive advantage.
  • Predicting how customers and competitors' customers will behave and how that behaviour will change is critical to tailoring new products.
  • Challenge is which data is required to achieve these objectives, who needs it and how often are key pieces of the big data puzzle to solve
  • Recognizing that Big Data doesn't guarantee deliver Big Value, we develop a lean approach to help client focus on the data that is needed to delivery major business outcomes. This includes all aligning business capabilities including strategy, people, processes and technology.
  • This includes:
    • Real-time customer financial profiling dashboard providing it the customer insights required
    • Combined with the lead Chinese social media - WeChat (微信) to create a groundswell of support in favour of its products and services. Offering something unique and inspiring that connects with customers and inspires trust and loyalty.
  • Instead of a solution that generates ever more data and more costs to manage it which is inappropriate, we developed the "connected customer" leveraging on social and new generation smartphones to enable clients to engage whenever and wherever. Data and analytics that gives the client the ability to focus and connect with the customer delivers the maximum impact!